The Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE) is the only stock market in Jamaica and one of the most advanced stock exchanges in the Caribbean. The Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE) began its operations in 1968 and in 2015 was ranked number one performing stock exchange in the world by Bloomberg. The JSE facilitates the data collection, trade execution, and accurate market analysis that Jamaica’s economy needs to sustain growth and progress. It has created a stock market in Jamaica that allows investors to personally and financially benefit from the success of our local companies. SSL is a proud member-dealer of the Jamaica Stock Exchange as well as the lead broker in it’s successful 2013 IPO.
Purchasing shares on the JSE is simple! A full list of JSE listed companies is here. Learn about some of our local equity recommendations and what our Investment Committee thinks about the latest market trends on the JSE by scheduling an appointment.
We believe wholeheartedly in the JSE’s mission, “To contribute to the growth and development of the countries in which we operate by facilitating the mobilization, exchange and expansion of capital while providing a return on equity that is acceptable to our shareholders” and practice this by enforcing high standard operating procedures that protect the public stakeholders, our clients.